A generator that returns the value returned by first completed coroutine
import * as coro from '@ajeeb/coroutines'
function* printForever(message) {
while(true) {
yield* seconds(1)
function* waitForClick() {
let pressed = false
const button = document.querySelector("button")
button.onclick = () => pressed = true
while(!pressed) yield
const SCHED = new coro.Schedule()
SCHED.add(coro.first(printForever("ping"), waitForClick()))
setInterval(SCHED.tick, 100)
import * as coro from '@ajeeb/coroutines'
function* waitForClick(button) {
let pressed = false
button.onclick = () => pressed = true
while(!pressed) yield
return button.textContent
const buttons = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("button"))
const SCHED = new coro.Schedule()
SCHED.add(function* () {
console.log("waiting for button press...")
const pressedText = yield* coro.first(...buttons.map(waitForClick))
console.log("pressed", pressedText)
setInterval(SCHED.tick, 100)
Returns a coroutine that waits for the first coroutine of
to complete.When waited on with
returns the value returned by the first completed coroutine. All other coroutines are cancelled withGenerator.return
, triggering theirfinally
handlers if any.